Program Assistants
Role of the Program Assistant (PAs)
Program Assistants are an important component to any successful CanSkate program. The role of the Program Assistant (PA) varies depending upon the needs and dynamics of a club. However, all duties involve assisting Skate Canada coaches in the delivery of the program. Our PAs are STARSkaters who are at least 12 years of age and have passed their Preliminary tests, or past skaters with a background in the CanSkate program. PAs are on the ice to assist coaches during the lesson, to demonstrate the skills and to help supervise. PAs also lead groups from station to station. They provide the CanSkater with a familiar, friendly face and hope to spread the joy of skating by being a role model for the skaters.
- Assist our coaches in delivering the program on‐ice and off‐ice
- Demonstrate skills and teaching progressions
- Supervise practice sessions
- Lead warm‐ups and cool‐downs under the direction of the Skate Canada coach
- Reinforce learned skills (follow‐up on coach instruction)
- Lead circuits, drills, group activities
- Distribute awards (stickers, badges, etc.)
- Take attendance
- Be a role model for young skaters
- Program Assistants are a very important part of our successful CanSkate program. The role of the PA varies depending on the unique needs and dynamics of the club
Criteria to become a PA
- PAs must be currently registered as a Skate Canada members
- Must be 12 years or older
- Must have the ability to demonstrate basic skating skills
- Must attend all training sessions
- PAs have good communication and demonstration skills
- They are reliable, punctual and responsible
- PAs commit for the whole skating season
- They are not paid and act as volunteers
CanSkate Helpers
CanSkate Helpers are our STARSkaters who do not yet meet the age or skill requirement to be a Program Assistant. Helpers must meet be at least 10 years old. They will be on the ice to offer support to the coaches, Program Assistants and CanSkaters.